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Published on 9 February 2018

Making Tax Digital for VAT: draft regulations

LITRG is concerned that the current timeframe does not allow for proper development and testing of the software that will be required to make Making Tax Digital for VAT (MTDfV) work, particularly that which will enable businesses to continue to use spreadsheets as their primary tool for recordkeepin...

Hands holding an empty purse / wallet. ©shutterstock/MCarper
Published on 1 February 2018

Household finances: income, saving and debt

In our response to the Treasury Committee's inquiry, we look at the the savings policy interventions of Help to Save and auto enrolment, and suggest some changes that could be made to improve the schemes from a low-income worker's perspective. We also highlight a real-life drawdown disaster – o...

A table with a hot beverage and a mobile phone showing 'UNIVERSAL CREDIT' on the screen.
Published on 18 January 2018

Universal Credit rollout inquiry

We welcome this opportunity to provide further evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee on universal credit with a specific focus on how self-employed claimants will be treated. We remain concerned about the current structure of universal credit for the self-employed and if major changes are...

Published on 17 January 2018

Breathing space: call for evidence

LITRG has recently responded to the call for evidence from HM Treasury in connection with their 2017 manifesto commitment to implement a ‘breathing space’ scheme for those in problem debt. We highlighted the many problems that taxpayers experience when dealing with tax and tax credit debt. ...

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