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Wooden letters sat on top of piles of coins, the letters spell the word 'TAX'
Published on 9 June 2023

Tax campaigners welcome disguised remuneration proposals

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) has reacted to proposals set out in a new consultation on umbrella companies, welcoming the strong options for tackling tax non-compliance which they say go a long way towards addressing their longstanding and serious worries about disguised remuneration....

Various contractor hard hats sat on top of a wall.
Published on 5 June 2023

CIS subcontractors - submit your tax return early for your tax refund

Although they are self-employed, Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) workers often have an amount deducted from their payments before they receive them. This is to cover their tax and National Insurance contributions (NIC). For many CIS workers the amount deducted will be too high, and they will be d...

Grey background with plastic letters spelling the word 'NEW'
Published on 1 June 2023

New, improved guidance for those working in the gig economy

Today, there are more gig workers than ever - with many now doing gig work as their primary source of income rather than a means of supplementing other income. Managing your tax position can be difficult at the best of times but we know that workers in the gig economy can find it extra challeng...

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