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Pad of paper with the words 'PENSION PLAN' written on the page.
Published on 12 April 2023

Pensions measure to help low earners could miss the mark, LITRG warns MPs

A long-awaited pension contribution top-up for low earners may not reach most of those entitled to it, campaigners fear. The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) is writing to MPs1 ahead of a parliamentary debate on the measure to encourage them to strengthen the legislation and press the...

A scrap of paper with the words 'TAX CUTS' printed in black text, this paper has been cut in half.
Published on 6 April 2023

LITRG concerned about lack of awareness of capital gains tax allowance cut

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) is concerned that today’s drastic reduction in the annual amount of capital gains which would be free from capital gains tax (CGT) may go unnoticed by some unrepresented taxpayers, which could lead to higher rates of non-compliance.1 With HMRC figu...

A pile of British currency
Published on 3 April 2023

Loan charge and section 222 charges

For some people affected by the loan charge, the law says that a further tax charge is due as well as the loan charge itself. HMRC have recently explained that in certain circumstances they won’t seek to collect this further tax charge. However, you may still receive correspondence from HMRC about i...

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