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Published on 21 September 2006

Tax Appeals - a low income perspective

LITRG have participated in the consultations about tribunals reform which followed the recent White Paper. In a series of contributions, we have considered specific aspects of the proposals for reforming the tax appeal tribunals from the perspective of a user on a low to modest income, who is probably unrepresented. In our report Tax Appeals - a low income perspective, we look at the reform from t...

Published on 15 January 2004

Disability in Tax and Related Benefits: The Case for a Modern and Coherent Approach

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) has published a report entitled 'Disability in Tax and Related Benefits: The Case for a Modern and Coherent Approach' on how the system of tax and tax related benefits impacts on people with disabilities. The LITRG's objective is to understand how and why there is no coherent and consistent 'joined-up' approach; to encourage discussion on how best to close ...

Published on 14 January 2004

Tax help for older people

Pilot projects in the South West and West Midlands, April 2001 to March 2002...

Published on 13 January 2004

Students, the case for making life easier

This report published in January 2001 looks at the problems that students face with the current tax system and recommends a set of measures geared towards treating students as a separate category of customer within the Inland Revenue....

Published on 12 January 2004

Representing the unrepresented

This Report published in January 2001 which gives an account of the LITRG's activities since the publication of 'The Taxman's Response' in July 1999 and its aims for the next few years....

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