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2 people shaking hands, on the desk sits a model home some cash, a key and paperwork.
Published on 5 October 2022

Tracing the assets of a deceased estate

When someone dies, if you are left in charge of sorting out their affairs, you will need to gather some information together. For instance, you need to know what their income and assets were and find out about any debts they owed. It can be hard to know where to start, so this article aims to help g...

A blue sky with a yellow traffic sign with the words 'TAX REFUND AHEAD' in black text.
Published on 29 September 2022

Have you been affected by Tax Credits Ltd?

For some time, LITRG have been raising concerns about certain tax refund companies with HMRC, around deeds or letters of assignment. Earlier this year we were contacted by several taxpayers who claimed refunds through one company – Tax Credits Limited (TCL). These taxpayers seemed unaware that a dee...

a megaphone against a pink background
Published on 29 September 2022

Tax Credits Ltd debacle should never happen again, say LITRG

Following pressure from the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) to investigate the end-to end process used by Tax Credits Ltd, a tax refund company, to sign people up to its services, HMRC have announced they will now take steps to resolve the situation for affected taxpayers. LITRG welcome this an...

Various words in the shape of an arrow in white text against a black background. The biggest most prominent word seen reads 'CHANGES'
Published on 23 September 2022

LITRG stresses need to consider benefits impacts of tax and NIC changes

Today the Government announced, in the Growth Plan 20221, that they intend to reduce the UK basic rate of income tax to 19% (from its current 20%) from April 2023. This is in addition to yesterday’s announcement that they will reduce national insurance contribution rates from 6 Novem...

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