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silver plate containing receipt, cash and coins.
Published on 16 February 2024

Tipping Act Code of Practice

Under the Tipping Act, the government must introduce a new code of practice to help ensure that employers are distributing tips fairly and transparently. The government is inviting feedback to ensure this code is as helpful as possible. ...

a person writing on a board filled with graphs, charts and icons, with the word 'SURVEY' in the middle
Published on 12 February 2024

Have your say on HMRC’s service

Every year, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) publish a report on their Charter. These reports set out HMRC’s performance against the HMRC Charter. This is your chance to complete a survey and tell us how you think HMRC have performed. We will use your feedback when we write our comments for the HMRC ...

a house and the words 'council tax' carved from wood against a navy blue background
Published on 9 February 2024

Council tax – where do we go from here?

Various attempts are being made by the governments in Scotland and Wales to make council tax ‘fairer’. We take a look at some of the reasons for the perceived unfairness of council tax, and some of the suggestions as to how to resolve this....

a person stood with one foot each on a yellow arrow one pointing left with the word 'FACTS' written on it, the other pointing right with the word 'MYTHS' written on it
Published on 9 February 2024

Side hustle tax mythbuster

The noise about ‘side hustle tax’ is showing no signs of dying down and we are still seeing incorrect information circulating online about the tax position of people selling items via online platforms. We previously published a flowchart trying to provide clarity on the rules. In this, our thir...

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