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wooden figure of a person stood besides a stack of coins with a typed sign that reads 'state pension'
Published on 1 February 2024

Tax on state pensions: looking back and ahead

State pensions are increasing in April 2024, but the point at which most people start to pay tax is staying the same. Here we look ahead some of the problems this might cause. We also give our ideas on how the government could make things easier for state pensioners – some of which we originally sug...

person writing on a document in an official room
Published on 24 January 2024

Care Leaver Payment - Scotland

LITRG submitted a response to the Scottish Government consultation on the development and delivery of the Care Leaver Payment....

Magnifying glass and a piece of paper with the word 'regulations' typed on it.
Published on 19 January 2024

HMRC consultation on proposed amendments to Making Tax Digital Regulations

HMRC published draft amended Regulations relating to Making Tax Digital for Income Tax legislation for consultation last month. The draft amendments were to mainly take account of the outcome of HMRC’s Small Business Review that it had undertaken in 2023. LITRG recently responded to the consultation...

grey clouds in the background with a blue clock fading away into dust
Published on 17 January 2024

Time running out before 31 January self assessment deadline

The deadline for sending most online 2022/23 self assessment tax returns to HMRC, and for paying the related tax, is 31 January 2024. If this deadline applies to you, make sure you file your 2022/23 tax return online and pay any tax you owe by 31 January 2024 to avoid penalties and interest....

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