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Published on 17 January 2018

Breathing space: call for evidence

LITRG has recently responded to the call for evidence from HM Treasury in connection with their 2017 manifesto commitment to implement a ‘breathing space’ scheme for those in problem debt. We highlighted the many problems that taxpayers experience when dealing with tax and tax credit debt. ...

Published on 22 December 2017

Employment support for carers inquiry

We welcome the opportunity to input into the Work and Pensions Committee inquiry on Employment support for carers which ‘aims to inform the upcoming carers strategy’. ...

Published on 15 December 2017

Attributes of good guidance

The CIOT, ATT and LITRG have submitted a paper to the Welsh Revenue Authority (WRA) on attributes of good guidance in order to aid the development of tax guidance and digital systems. We are pleased to continue contributing to the process of establishing a responsive and competent devolved taxes administration, with a minimum of bureaucracy and a fair balance between the powers of tax collect...

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