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Published on 23 April 2015

Inquiry into the collection of devolved taxes

The Finance Committee for the National Assembly for Wales invited the LITRG to respond to its inquiry into the collection of devolved taxes. We recommend that the Welsh Revenue Authority has ultimate responsibility for the collection and management of taxes even if some processes are delegated to other organisations and that a Taxpayer’s Charter is used to ensure there is a consistent standard of ...

Published on 17 April 2015

Inquiry into Scotland's fiscal framework - call for evidence

The CIOT and LITRG have responded jointly to the Finance Committee of the Scottish Parliament on the inquiry into Scotland’s fiscal framework. Our response sets out some general principles to which we believe due regard should be given when developing a revised fiscal framework. In particular, we highlight Adam Smith’s four principles and the need to keep the new fiscal framework consistent with t...

Published on 31 March 2015

Scotland in the United Kingdom: An enduring settlement

LITRG has responded to a UK Government consultation on draft clauses for the Scotland Bill 2015. In our response we concentrate on Parts 2 and 3 of the draft Scotland Bill 2015, given our concern with tax and the interaction of the tax, tax credits and welfare systems. We emphasise that the devolution of tax and welfare powers should be based on sound principles, and that it is necessary to take a...

Published on 10 March 2015

Tax enquiries – consultation on closure rules

LITRG has responded to a HMRC consultation on proposed changes to the closure rules for tax enquiries. These changes are aimed at closing aspects of enquiries which have been ongoing over a long period of time and where there is tax avoidance or significant amounts of tax at stake or where there are complex issues which could have a wider impact. ...

Published on 6 March 2015

Revenue Scotland: A Charter of Standards and Values

LITRG has responded to a Revenue Scotland consultation on a draft Charter of Standards and Values. In our response we broadly welcome both the content and the presentation of the draft Charter. We suggest some refinements to the obligations and provide ideas as to how Revenue Scotland might raise awareness of the Charter. ...

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