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Published on 14 December 2015

House of Commons Public Bill Committee – Childcare Bill 2015-16


The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group welcomes the opportunity to provide written evidence to the House of Commons Public Bill Committee regarding the Childcare Bill. The Childcare Bill provides the framework for 30 hours free childcare which will be available for working families. Whilst LITRG are supportive of extending free childcare to 30 hours, we are concerned that the resulting childcare landscape will be extremely complex. It is therefore critical that users are given guidance and support to help them understand the various schemes and how to choose between them. 

5 hands raised, on each hand a smiley face is painted on the palm with the fingers each painted a different colour.
Vitalinka /

Our evidence also highlights a number of other concerns about the changes to free childcare provision announced in the Autumn Statement and the potential negative impact this will have on those who are self-employed or employed on zero-hours contracts.

The LITRG evidence can be found 


Robin Williamson

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