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Thank you note
Published on 25 April 2022

Homes for Ukraine: £350 'thank you' payments

On 18 March 2022, the government launched the ‘Homes for Ukraine’ scheme. Under the scheme, those who accommodate refugees of the conflict in Ukraine are given a monthly ‘thank you’ payment of £350. We explore what this means for taxpayers and benefit claimants. ...

Orange background with a lightbulb launching into the air.
Published on 7 April 2022

Scottish Government launches tax animation

Do you live in Scotland? Or have an interest in how the Scottish Government and Scottish taxes work? Then the Scottish Government’s new, short video may be for you. Find out below how to watch it.   ...

Red key of a keyboard with the word 'PAY' in white text.
Published on 4 April 2022

Take home pay – changes to look out for in the new tax year

At the start of each new tax year (from 6 April) there are changes to minimum wage rates, tax rates and other rates. If you are employed, these changes might affect your ‘take home pay’ or ‘net pay’ – that is the money that ends up in your bank account when you are paid by your employer. ...

outline of a cloud with the word 'UPDATE' inside along with an orange bar and the word 'LOADING'
Published on 25 March 2022

Loan Charge – an update

The Loan Charge and Taxpayer Fairness All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) has launched a call for evidence to establish the reality of the situation for all those impacted by the Loan Charge. Here we tell you about it and also what else is going on with the Loan Charge. ...

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