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A wall clock with no numbers but instead the word 'DEADLINE'
Published on 27 October 2021

Just days left to meet paper tax filing deadline, warns LITRG

Release: Immediate: Wednesday 27 October 2021The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) is reminding taxpayers in Self Assessment who want to submit a paper tax return for 2020/21 that they have just a few days left before the 31 October deadline. Paper returns which reach HMRC after Sunday 31 October...

A plain white jigsaw with one piece left to place, the final piece is a blue piece with the word 'SOLUTION' on it in white text.
Published on 27 October 2021

LITRG welcomes solution to pension inequality for low-income workers

Release: Immediate: Budget Day: Wednesday 27 October 2021The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) welcomes today’s announcement from the Government which ends the injustice that over a million low-income workers (mostly women) lose out on pensions tax rel...

A magnifying glass hovering over the word 'DETAILS'
Published on 27 October 2021

Good news for some UC claimants – but the detail is key

Release: Immediate: Budget Day: Wednesday 27 October 2021The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) welcomes today’s announcements that the universal credit taper rate will be reduced to 55%, the universal credit work allowances will be increased by £500 a year and the national living wage will increa...

A piece of paper with the word 'INCORRECT' written in black ink, the paper is being cut with scissors in between 'IN' and 'CORRECT'
Published on 8 October 2021

Newly self-employed – is your National Insurance position correct?

If you started your own self-employed business during the Coronavirus pandemic and did not have a National Insurance number (NINO) then you may not be properly registered for Class 2 National Insurance contributions (NIC). This article explains who may be affected and why, what this means for you...

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