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A brown bag with the word 'SALARY' printed on the front next to a graph showing the arrow increasing.
Published on 23 November 2023

Wage increase for employees could negatively affect low-income self-employed

Whilst welcoming yesterday’s announcement that the national living wage will increase to £11.44, the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) are highlighting that some self-employed universal credit claimants may be negatively impacted by the rate increase - even though they are not entitled to it....

Question marks against a blue background.
Published on 22 November 2023

5 questions to ask yourself before setting up a limited company

Whether you are starting a new business or are looking to develop an existing one, you may be considering setting up a limited company. Limited companies are cheap, easy to set up and may have certain benefits. But they can be difficult to run and expensive if things go wrong. You therefore need to ...

ULEZ signpost
Published on 2 November 2023

Can employees claim tax relief on ULEZ charges?

Owners of a vehicle that doesn't meet the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) emissions standards and isn’t exempt must pay a £12.50 daily charge to drive within London boroughs. It has been confirmed by HMRC that self-employed drivers will be able to claim tax relief on the daily charge. But what a...

a clock with a banner behind that reads 'DEADLINE AHEAD'.
Published on 4 October 2023

Act now to meet 31 October paper tax return deadline!

This year, HMRC decided to stop automatically sending out paper returns to many taxpayers. HMRC have also changed the downloadable version of the form to indicate it is now ‘for reference only’. If you need to complete your 2022/23 tax return on paper but have not yet received or ordered one from HM...

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