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Various words in the shape of an arrow in white text against a black background. The biggest most prominent word seen reads 'CHANGES'
Published on 23 September 2022

LITRG stresses need to consider benefits impacts of tax and NIC changes

Today the Government announced, in the Growth Plan 20221, that they intend to reduce the UK basic rate of income tax to 19% (from its current 20%) from April 2023. This is in addition to yesterday’s announcement that they will reduce national insurance contribution rates from 6 Novem...

letter tiles arranged to spell out the word 'FREELANCE'.
Published on 14 September 2022

Understanding your tax when freelancing on the side

One option to help with the cost-of-living crisis is to try and increase your income by doing a bit of freelancing on top of your usual work. But with extra income comes tax considerations which can be easily overlooked. ...

Key of a keyboard with the word 'TAX' printed on it in white text.
Published on 27 June 2022

How to keep tax simpler if you are newly self-employed

Starting a new business can be both an exciting and daunting time. There are many things to think about, including what you need to do to prepare your business accounts and tax return. This article briefly explains what you can do now to help simplify your future tax, in view of two major changes...

News - Tribute to Robin Williamson CTA (Fellow) - with photo of Robin Williamson.
Published on 6 September 2022

Tribute to Robin Williamson CTA (Fellow)

The Chartered Institute of Taxation and Low Incomes Tax Reform Group are deeply saddened by the news of the death of Robin Williamson CTA (Fellow). Robin was an early LITRG volunteer, playing an instrumental role in setting up the charity Tax Help for Older People in 2001 after which he went on t...

A figurine of a person sat next to a clock
Published on 5 September 2022

Waiting to hear back from HMRC? How to check progress

You may have made (or tried to make) contact with HMRC by post or phone recently. If so, you may have been frustrated at how long it takes to get through on the helpline or receive a response by post. HMRC are aware that they are behind where they need to be when dealing with taxpayers. Here we high...

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