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A white keyboard with one red key, this key has a white question mark on it.
Published on 21 July 2021

How do I complete the Starter Checklist if…?

Recently, we have been contacted by people who are struggling to complete the Starter Checklist when they start work with a new employer. Here we look at some of the most common scenarios ...

wooden letter blocks that spell out the word 'URGE'
Published on 16 July 2021

HMRC must set out a tax reform roadmap, says LITRG

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) has responded1 to a major HMRC call for evidence on how the tax authority administers the tax system,2 in which LITRG broadly supports reform of the tax administration system. But the group cautions that, to build trust, HMRC will need t...

A desk with a folder on top, the folder is named 'GRANTS'.
Published on 16 July 2021

Guidance on the new fifth SEISS grant

From late July, eligible self-employed individuals or partners in partnerships will be able to claim the fifth Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) Grant. ...

A person holding a small piece of white paper with the word 'RESPONSIBILITY' on it in black text.
Published on 6 July 2021

Third party data – clarity needed on who carries responsibility

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) has welcomed a call by the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) for a consultation into who is responsible for the accuracy of third party data, and for a broader review of safeguards and sanctions to ensure a taxpayer does not suffer the consequences of a data...

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