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Published on 22 September 2014

Improving the operation of the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)

The government has formulated proposals for improving the CIS, including the introduction of mandatory on-line filing for contractors and provision of digital access to pay and tax details for subcontractors. LITRG broadly welcomes this particular proposal on the basis that lost or mislaid CIS statements can be major frustration for subcontractors – causing unnecessary costs and delays around tax ...

Published on 9 September 2014

Remuneration practices – call for evidence

The LITRG are pleased to respond to HMT’s Call for Evidence on current remuneration practices, which stems from the OTS's Expenses and Benefits report. In our response we stress that despite the lack of complexity in low paid workers’ ‘packages’, there are still some ‘difficult’ aspects of their remuneration and make a number of recommendations for change. We hope that these may eventually lead to...

Published on 9 September 2014

Employee Benefits and Expenses – four consultation documents

LITRG broadly welcomes the reforms proposed and explored in the four consultation documents concerning employee benefits and expenses and the fact that the Government and HMRC are looking at these issues simultaneously. In respect of all four consultations, we call on HMRC to undertake more work to explore the impact of the proposals on claimants on tax credits, Universal Credit and welfare benefi...

Published on 31 July 2014

The Income Tax (PAYE) (Amendment No. X) Regulations 2014

The LITRG are disappointed that proposals which are intended to help HMRC better manage their service actually appear to remove basic rights from taxpayers. Failure to inform taxpayers of their current PAYE Code via a written notice means that they (and those helping them) may not have sufficient information to understand and query their tax position. This could lead to incorrect tax deductions. R...

Published on 29 July 2014

Direct recovery of debt - LITRG response

While the LITRG supports HMRC’s existing power to satisfy a debt by taking money from a debtor’s bank account under the supervision of a judge, the current proposals to allow HMRC to bypass the courts in order to collect tax and tax credit debt would be contrary to the rule of law and would inflict disproportionate financial and human cost on vulnerable taxpayers. ...

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