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A young person holding hands with an older person. ©istock/PeopleImages
Published on 13 December 2018

Consumers’ access to financial services

The LITRG comments on this Treasury Committee call for evidence in relation to the tax and related state benefits issues that might affect vulnerable or low-income taxpayers, in particular to the proposed definition of vulnerable customers. It is vital that frontline advisers are able to understand ...

Published on 12 December 2018

Office of Tax Simplification: 2nd Report on the Business Life Cycle

LITRG has responded to the Office for Tax Simplification’s (OTS) second report on the Business Life Cycle, where we focus on the areas we consider affect small, unrepresented businesses which generally have low-profit margins. As part of our response we raise concerns that HMRC’s communications stra...

Published on 7 November 2018

Clarifying the Scope of the Welsh Rates of Income Tax

LITRG and the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) have jointly responded to HMRC’s technical note and draft legislation on ‘Clarifying the scope of the Welsh rates of Income Tax’ . Welsh rates of Income Tax (WRIT) will be partially devolved from April 2019 on non-savings income for taxpayers who ...

Published on 18 October 2018

House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee – Inquiry into Draft Finance Bill 2018

The LITRG welcomes the opportunity to respond to this inquiry on behalf of low-income and unrepresented taxpayers. We believe that while HMRC must have the power to administer and enforce the tax system effectively and fairly, those powers must be proportionate, there must be accessible safeguards in place and there should be independent oversight. We consider the new proposals in clauses 33-...

Published on 27 September 2018

Budget 2018 representation: Net Pay Arrangements for lower paid workers

In our Budget 2018 representation, we tell the Government that the type of scheme pension savers are in should not affect the tax relief they receive and put forward a practical and feasible solution as to how the net pay ‘problem’ can be overcome. It would require a clause in the Finance Bill ...

Published on 26 September 2018

Call for Evidence: UK Labour Market Enforcement Strategy 2019/20

This call for evidence sets out the issues on which the Director of Labour Market Enforcement would like to receive evidence to inform his Strategy for 2019/20. In the first part of our response, we tell the Director that the sectors identified will be amongst the most prevalent for using agency workers and other types of flexible workers and we cross refer the Director to our recent response to t...

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