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Published on 3 July 2018

Tax abuse and insolvency – a discussion document

In principle, we agree there is a problem with the insolvency regime being used to avoid or evade tax liabilities, including through the use of phoenixism. Indeed, the insolvency regime seems to be behind the somewhat cavalier behaviour we have seen from certain employment intermediaries such as som...

Published on 14 June 2018

Taxation of self-funded work-related training

LITRG recently responded to HM Treasury’s consultation document exploring the possibility of extending tax relief for the cost of training by employees and the self-employed, in an attempt to encourage more individuals to develop and improve their skills or to retrain completely to help boost the country’s productivity. ...

Published on 13 June 2018

Inquiry into the conduct of tax enquiries and resolution of tax disputes

The LITRG raises concerns about the number of dispute cases reaching the Tribunal which ought never to have been escalated in the first place. We are hugely concerned about the position of unrepresented taxpayers aggrieved by decisions against which there is no right of appeal. There is a strong cas...

Press Release: Flaws in the Government’s strategy to tighten pension rules
Published on 12 June 2018

Regulating the pensions and retirement income sector

The LITRG believes that in order to increase trust in pensions and consequently take-up, there must be clarity and reassurance that contributions and investments are in good hands and well-protected against incompetence and criminality, and that more should be done by the Financial Conduct Authority...

Published on 12 June 2018

VAT Registration Threshold

As there are so many fundamental changes on the horizon for small businesses to get to grips with in the next few years, such as Brexit and HMRC’s Making Tax Digital programme, LITRG strongly urges caution from the Government when considering introducing any further substantial changes to the business landscape, such as a reduction in the current VAT registration turnover threshold of £85,000.&nbs...

Published on 12 June 2018

Treasury Committee: VAT Inquiry

As part of the Treasury Committee’s inquiry into VAT and Brexit, LITRG has urged the Government to reconsider its previous recommendations for VAT reform for disabled people. The recommendations include extending VAT relief for certain construction services, transportation costs and workplace modifications, as well as calling for a rethink on VAT relief for goods which benefit disabled people but ...

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