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Published on 22 February 2018

Rent a room relief

In our response we highlight that we do not think that the supply of housing to the original target group is reduced by Airbnb type arrangements and are therefore not convinced that any changes to rent a room relief are needed, under the banner of making it more targeted to support longer-term lettings. If the rising cost of the relief is of concern to the Treasury, we suggest that one option woul...

Published on 22 February 2018

Childcare policy and its influence on the economy inquiry

While we are wholly supportive of the childcare help provided by Government through the Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) scheme and other childcare offerings, we do not believe the government is providing enough guidance or support to help people navigate the system in order to choose between the schemes an...

Published on 21 February 2018

Draft legislation: Simplification of PAYE Settlement Agreements

In our response, we welcome the simplification introduced by allowing for an enduring PAYE Settlement Agreement (PSA) but stress that adequate guidance needs to be given to ensure that employers understand variation process and in particular what to do if the items initially covered in the enduring ...

Published on 13 February 2018

Welsh Revenue Authority Charter Consultation

We welcome this opportunity to comment on the Welsh Revenue Authority’s (WRA) draft Charter which will be used from April 2018 when the first Welsh devolved taxes (Land Transaction Tax and Landfill Disposals Tax) come into effect. We consider that the Charter presents a good opportunity to embed ‘eq...

Published on 9 February 2018

Making Tax Digital for VAT: draft regulations

LITRG is concerned that the current timeframe does not allow for proper development and testing of the software that will be required to make Making Tax Digital for VAT (MTDfV) work, particularly that which will enable businesses to continue to use spreadsheets as their primary tool for recordkeepin...

Hands holding an empty purse / wallet. ©shutterstock/MCarper
Published on 1 February 2018

Household finances: income, saving and debt

In our response to the Treasury Committee's inquiry, we look at the the savings policy interventions of Help to Save and auto enrolment, and suggest some changes that could be made to improve the schemes from a low-income worker's perspective. We also highlight a real-life drawdown disaster – o...

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