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Published on 15 December 2017

Attributes of good guidance

The CIOT, ATT and LITRG have submitted a paper to the Welsh Revenue Authority (WRA) on attributes of good guidance in order to aid the development of tax guidance and digital systems. We are pleased to continue contributing to the process of establishing a responsive and competent devolved taxes administration, with a minimum of bureaucracy and a fair balance between the powers of tax collect...

RTI post-implementation
Published on 11 November 2017

Making Tax Digital reforms affecting businesses

The LITRG submitted two papers as part of the Making Tax Digital reforms affecting businesses consultation – one regarding the Income Tax (Digital Requirements) Regulations and the other on Making Tax Digital for VAT: legislation overview. ...

Pensions freedom – an increase in take up, post-Brexit? ©istock/stocknshares
Published on 31 October 2017

Work and Pensions inquiry regarding pensions freedom

The LITRG was pleased to provide comments to the Work and Pensions committee inquiry into pensions freedom. Our comments relate solely to taxation and, in particular, issues that might affect those on low incomes. ...

A person stood next to a wall containing the words 'SELF EMPLOYED' with various icons of  cogs, wifi, email, team work, lightbulb, thumbs up etc.
Published on 30 October 2017

Self-employed claimants of universal credit – lifting the burdens

In this report, we summarise the main shortcomings of the current universal credit system in respect of the self-employed and propose what we believe to be a workable alternative. Our report does not seek to start from the beginning, instead we set out our own diagnosis of what is wrong with the cur...

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