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Published on 15 June 2016

Creating a secondary market in annuities - LITRG response

Welcoming the Government’s proposals for the tax framework for the secondary annuities market which is intended to come into force next April, LITRG noted that this should put everyone, both pre- and post pensions freedoms introduced last year, on an equal footing.   ...

Published on 8 June 2016

Public Financial Guidance

In a response to the Government’s consultation to a new Public Financial Guidance service, LITRG has welcomed in principle the proposed abolition of the Money Advice Service and merging the functions of the Pensions Advisory Service with Pension Wise.   ...

RTI post-implementation
Published on 26 April 2016

RTI post-implementation review

LITRG were among those asked to submit comments to HMRC to inform their review of how the implementation of RTI (Real-Time Information) had gone. RTI is the system whereby employers and pension providers are required to notify HMRC electronically of any payments they make to employees or pensioners,...

Published on 22 March 2016

Tax exemption for trivial benefits in kind – draft guidance

LITRG has submitted comments to HMRC on draft guidance for the statutory exemption from income tax for trivial benefits in kind provided by employers to employees. The relevant legislation will take effect from 6 April 2016. ...

Making Tax Digital
Published on 9 March 2016

Making Tax Digital: discussion paper on simpler payments

LITRG has responded to the Making Tax Digital: Simpler Payments discussion document recently issued by HMRC. The document made several suggestions as to possible further policy developments within the Making Tax Digital framework. While HMRC’s efforts to develop ways in which taxpayers can interact ...

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