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Published on 6 January 2016

Alignment of Income Tax and National Insurance

LITRG has responded to the consultation by the Office of Tax Simplification on the alignment of income tax and National Insurance by supporting a move to closer alignment as long as this leads to some simplifications which promote a better understanding of the Pay As You Earn and NIC regimes, particularly amongst unrepresented taxpayers. ...

Published on 4 January 2016

Review of the taxation of small companies

LITRG has responded to the review of the taxation of small companies by the Office of Tax Simplification by calling for a simplification of the compliance obligations of small companies so that these businesses can be confident they can manage their affairs competently without the need to engage an adviser.  ...

Published on 22 December 2015

Public Financial Guidance

While LITRG would never presume to comment on financial matters, nevertheless many financial decisions involve tax in some form and therefore we would wish to see not just a public finance advice service available to those who cannot afford professional fees but a public financial advice service which interacts effectively with the existing tax charities. ...

Published on 17 December 2015

Travel and subsistence discussion paper

LITRG welcomes the opportunity to respond to this discussion paper that outlines a potential framework for new rules to tackle the issues relating to tax relief on travel and subsistence expenses. However we note with dismay that the paper concentrates on workers who receive both tax relief and NIC relief on their travel and other expenses because these are reimbursed by their employer while offer...

Published on 16 December 2015

The Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014

Consultation on two sets of Draft Regulations which make provision for: a time limit within which to seek permission to appeal a decision of the Scottish Tribunals and Rules of Procedure for the Upper Tribunal; and offences in the Scottish Tribunals. ...

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