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Published on 14 October 2015

Simplification of the tax and National Insurance treatment of termination payments

LITRG has responded to a joint HMT/HMRC consultation document on simplification of the income tax and National Insurance contributions (NIC) treatment of termination payments. The consultation aims to continue the work of HMRC to implement the proposals originally put forward in 2014 by the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS). ...

Published on 29 September 2015

Strengthening incentives to save for pensions

LITRG welcome the opportunity to respond to this consultation. While noting that the low opt-out figures for the recently introduced auto-enrolment scheme for employees pensions has been encouraging, nevertheless the small sums involved from both employer and employee mean that people are still not saving enough for retirement, especially against the backdrop of the forthcoming flat-rate state pen...

Published on 15 September 2015

Ministry of Justice: Court and Tribunal fees – consultation on further fees proposals

The LITRG response to the Ministry of Justice’s proposals for further Court and Tribunal fees highlights the need to keep the Tribunal system accessible to all taxpayers whatever their means. The introduction of a charging system would cut across this principle and would impede access to justice for those who are unable to afford the fees. ...

Published on 4 September 2015

Work and Pensions Select Committee inquiry into pension freedom guidance and advice

The LITRG welcome the opportunity to give evidence to the inquiry into the guidance and advice on offer to people navigating the new pensions system. We urge HMRC to ensure that their staff are fully aware of the tax issues surrounding the new flexibility and suggest they should consider establishing a specialist team to deal with people’s enquiries and take the necessary action promptly. ...

Published on 31 August 2015

Draft legislation: review of employee benefits and expenses

LITRG has responded to an HMRC consultation document on draft legislation in respect of their review of employee benefits and expenses. These draft regulations continue the work to implement the proposals originally put forward in 2014, which themselves followed a review by the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS). ...

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