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Published on 24 August 2015

Inquiry into the Tax Collection and Management (Wales) Bill

We are pleased that the Tax Collection and Management (Wales) Bill contains provision for the introduction of a Taxpayers’ Charter. The Bill signifies that the Charter should clearly state the standards of behaviour and values that the Welsh Revenue Authority will use when interacting with Welsh taxpayers. The WRA must ensure that the Charter is publicised upon the devolution of Land Transaction T...

Published on 20 August 2015

Finance Committee of the Scottish Parliament – call for evidence – Scottish rate of income tax

LITRG has submitted a response to the call for evidence published by the Finance Committee of the Scottish Parliament. The call for evidence was published with the intention of assisting the Committee’s scrutiny of the Draft Budget 2016/17, which will be published in the late autumn of 2015. In particular, the Committee was seeking views on the Scottish Government’s proposals in relation to the Sc...

Published on 19 August 2015

Scotland Bill 2015 - Audit, accountability and the further devolution of powers

LITRG and CIOT have submitted a response to the paper published by the Public Audit Committee of the Scottish Parliament in response to the UK Government’s Scotland Bill 2015. The response emphasises the importance of ensuring independent and impartial data validation. While data reporting and audit work should be proportionate to key factors, the response stresses that audit and accountability ar...

Published on 13 August 2015

Scotland: Implementing the Smith Agreement – The UK Government’s Scotland Bill

LITRG has submitted a joint response with the Chartered Institute of Taxation to the call for evidence issued by the Devolution (Further Powers) Committee of the Scottish Parliament. The response emphasises the need to take a holistic view of the tax and welfare systems. In particular, the taxpayer and claimant need to be kept in mind when devolving further powers. ...

Published on 29 July 2015

Scottish Rate of Income Tax – Technical Guidance on Scottish Taxpayer Status

LITRG has commented on draft technical guidance on Scottish taxpayer status for the Scottish Rate of Income Tax (SRIT) issued by HMRC. In particular, LITRG notes that the draft guidance should provide guidance on what action taxpayers can take if they disagree with HMRC about their decision concerning Scottish taxpayer status. ...

Published on 22 June 2015

What’s the Future of Local Taxation in Scotland?

LITRG has responded to a call for evidence issued by the Commission on Local Tax Reform, which has been set up by the Scottish Government to explore alternatives to Council Tax for Scotland. LITRG does not recommend any particular system of local taxation, but explores various options, identifying issues for consideration. In particular, we note the importance of taking into account interactions o...

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