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Published on 28 May 2021

Guidance on where to include your SEISS grants on your tax return


The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grants are payments made by the government to eligible unincorporated businesses which have been adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

A clear writing board with the words 'TAX RETURN' written in black pen.

The grants are subject to income tax and self-employed National Insurance contributions (NIC) and for all individuals and most partners in partnerships, the first three SEISS grants must be included on the 2020/21 tax returns.

LITRG has published guidance on where the SEISS grants need to be included on your Self-Assessment tax returns, and areas you may need to consider when completing your tax returns, such as if you have multiple trades, claim the trading allowance, are a partner in a partnership or claim tax credits.

The guidance can be found here.

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