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Published on 11 February 2022

HMRC Charter Annual Report 2021-22 – have your say


The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) is a member of HMRC’s Charter Stakeholder Group. As such, we have been invited to provide our reflections on how HMRC have performed against the Charter standards over the period April 2021 to March 2022. We are giving you the chance to shape our comments. We would welcome your comments by 28 February 2022.

Pin board with a piece of paper attached by a green pin, on the paper the words 'HAVE YOUR SAY!' can be seen in black text.

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What is the HMRC Charter?

The HMRC Charter sets out the relationship between HMRC and taxpayers. It sets out what taxpayers can expect from HMRC and what HMRC expect from taxpayers in terms of behaviour.

What is the HMRC Charter Annual Report?

Each year, HMRC publish an annual report on the Charter. The reports set out how HMRC have performed against the Charter. It also details any progress HMRC have made and their priorities for further improvement.

HMRC’s Charter reports take account of feedback they receive directly from taxpayers and stakeholders, through the HMRC Charter mailbox, engagement with taxpayers and social media. The reports incorporate comments from the Charter Stakeholder Group, which comprises external stakeholders like LITRG, and the Adjudicator.

What comments should I provide?

LITRG would welcome your comments on HMRC’s performance against the Charter standards. You do not have to provide comments on all aspects of the Charter that we mention below. It is especially useful if you can provide an example from your experience.

Thoughts on any of the following would be helpful:

  • How HMRC has performed overall against the Charter
  • How HMRC has performed against each of the individual Charter standards:
    • Getting things right
    • Making things easy        
    • Being responsive           
    • Treating you fairly         
    • Being aware of your personal situation 
    • Recognising that someone can represent you
    • Keeping your data secure
  • Aside from performance issues:
    • Have you noticed any impact of the Charter on HMRC conduct between April 2021- February 2022?
    • What element of the Charter should HMRC focus on in 2022-23?  

How can I provide feedback?

You can send your comments to LITRG using our Contact Us form. If you wish to do so, you can give your feedback anonymously.

If you wish to provide feedback, please send your comments by 28 February 2022.

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