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Published on 7 April 2022

Scottish Government launches tax animation


Do you live in Scotland? Or have an interest in how the Scottish Government and Scottish taxes work? Then the Scottish Government’s new, short video may be for you. Find out below how to watch it.  

Orange background with a lightbulb launching into the air.

Some taxes are devolved to the Scottish Parliament – this means the Scottish Government can do things like design and operate whole taxes or change the rates of other taxes.

The Scottish Government’s new video seeks to help you understand the split of tax powers between the UK and Scottish Parliaments for people and businesses in Scotland. It also explains a little bit about how the Scottish budget is made up and what the Scottish Government spends its budget on.

You can find the video on the Scottish Government website. It’s only two-and-a-half minutes long – so why not take a look?

You can find more information about devolution, Scottish income tax and Scottish taxpayers on our website.

You can find more information about Scottish taxes on the Scottish Government website.

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