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Published on 16 May 2024

Umbrella company news and developments


Since the umbrella company consultation closed in August 2023, we have written several articles for ContractorUK on the topic, which we summarise here.

Many red umberella's against a white background

The tackling non-compliance in the umbrella company market consultation is currently labelled ‘We are analysing your feedback’. Our articles, written for Contractor UK, look at what might be happening next in terms of government proposals and highlight some key issues for umbrella company workers and contractors to understand and remain alert to in the meantime.

Umbrella consultation replies are now in and with officials. What happens next?

4 September 2023

While welcoming the consultation proposals, one of the key points we made was that it has taken a long time to get to this point and decisions now need to be made and implemented speedily. In this article, we look at how realistic this is and the factors that may impact next steps.

Umbrella companies – seven things contractors must watch out for in 2024-25

5 April 2024

What workers need to be on the lookout for in 2024/25 – covering some new issues (such as to do with the NMW and National Insurance changes) along with some old ones that continue to fester (such as the elective deductions model and disguised remuneration).

The taxman’s bitty umbrella company market statement is more than meets the eye

3 May 2024

Many of those involved in the umbrella industry had high expectations of Tax And Maintenance day being something of a milestone moment and felt disappointed by the short ‘holding’ update. In this article we explore whether more can be drawn from the statement than appears on first glance.

Umbrella companies - what good should look like

16 May 2024

There is more to being a ‘good’ umbrella company than merely dealing with pay and taxes compliantly, although, of course, that helps! Here, we highlight a resource that will help workers check if an umbrella is compliant; but over and above this, set out some hallmarks of best practice when it comes to how umbrella companies operate. 

Meredith McCammond
Technical officer

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