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A blue sky with a yellow traffic sign with the words 'TAX REFUND AHEAD' in black text.
Published on 29 September 2022

Have you been affected by Tax Credits Ltd?

For some time, LITRG have been raising concerns about certain tax refund companies with HMRC, around deeds or letters of assignment. Earlier this year we were contacted by several taxpayers who claimed refunds through one company – Tax Credits Limited (TCL). These taxpayers seemed unaware that a dee...

letter tiles arranged to spell out the word 'FREELANCE'.
Published on 14 September 2022

Understanding your tax when freelancing on the side

One option to help with the cost-of-living crisis is to try and increase your income by doing a bit of freelancing on top of your usual work. But with extra income comes tax considerations which can be easily overlooked. ...

News - Tribute to Robin Williamson CTA (Fellow) - with photo of Robin Williamson.
Published on 6 September 2022

Tribute to Robin Williamson CTA (Fellow)

The Chartered Institute of Taxation and Low Incomes Tax Reform Group are deeply saddened by the news of the death of Robin Williamson CTA (Fellow). Robin was an early LITRG volunteer, playing an instrumental role in setting up the charity Tax Help for Older People in 2001 after which he went on t...

A figurine of a person sat next to a clock
Published on 5 September 2022

Waiting to hear back from HMRC? How to check progress

You may have made (or tried to make) contact with HMRC by post or phone recently. If so, you may have been frustrated at how long it takes to get through on the helpline or receive a response by post. HMRC are aware that they are behind where they need to be when dealing with taxpayers. Here we high...

Typed words in black ink on paper 'AGREE', 'DISAGREE' next to each word is a check box. The box against the word 'DISAGREE' is checked with a red cross.
Published on 26 August 2022

Disagree with an HMRC decision? Consider asking for a statutory review.

If you disagree with a decision HMRC have made about your taxes – such as issuing a penalty – you usually have a legal right to ask a different person to review that decision. If you are unhappy with the outcome of that review, you can appeal to a Tribunal to ask a judge to consider your case. We ex...

Yellow and blue background with a clock and a magnifying glass hovering over the word 'DEADLINE'.
Published on 19 August 2022

Missed the tax credit renewal deadline? Contact HMRC as soon as possible

Tax credit awards last for a maximum of one tax year (6 April to following 5 April) so you must renew your claim each year to continue getting tax credits. The deadline for renewing tax credits was 31 July. If you did not renew by that date, HMRC will now stop your tax credit payments. If this has h...

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