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Illustration of an elderly woman in a wheelchair with her carer
Published on 26 June 2020

Calling all new care workers

Domiciliary care workers (those that travel around looking after people in their own homes) do a hugely important job but can sometimes face challenges in understanding their minimum wage, tax and benefits positions, due to the complexity of the rules combined with their varied travel and working pa...

Image of letters spelling trace track and isolate
Published on 16 June 2020

I have been contacted by Test and Trace: am I eligible for SSP?

UPDATE: Under the test and trace system that launched on 28 May, a person who has been notified that they have had contact with a person with coronavirus is to self-isolate for 14 days or until the date specified in their test and trace notice. The rules relating to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) have bee...

Image of the disability sign with models of people standing on it
Published on 11 June 2020

Access to Work: can you benefit from a grant?

The Access to Work scheme provides government grants to help disabled people start, or stay in, work. It is open to the employed and the self-employed. The coronavirus pandemic might have affected working life for some disabled people and may have even caused people to become disabled or ill. You mi...

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