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Image of the word carers with a heart with a Scottish flag replacing the A
Published on 8 June 2020

Unpaid carers in Scotland: extra carer’s allowance supplement

The Scottish Government has confirmed that Social Security Scotland will pay an extra ‘coronavirus’ carer’s allowance supplement of £230.10. This will be paid from late June 2020, together with the regular six-monthly carer’s allowance supplement payment. ...

Image of miniature houses sitting on piles of coins
Published on 8 June 2020

Has your property income been affected by coronavirus?

People let out property for various reasons. A common example is where you and a partner both own a house and you have moved in together and decided to let the other property out. Due to the far-reaching financial impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, your property rental could have bee...

A blank piece of paper in an envelope.
Published on 5 June 2020

Have you received a letter about the disability element of tax credits?

LITRG are aware that HMRC have written to some tax credit claimants who receive a disability element in their working tax credit award. The letter may have caused some confusion for recipients and in some cases has led to people having their disability element removed, possibly in error. HMRC are aw...

The word furlough stamped on a piece of paper
Published on 5 June 2020

Flexible furloughing: what is it and why is 10 June important?

There have been two major changes announced to the government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), which is also sometimes called the furlough scheme. Here, we clarify what has been announced and highlight the 10 June as an extremely important date for employers. ...

furloughed man standing in front of sign
Published on 2 June 2020

Umbrella workers: Have you only recently been furloughed?

As some people are starting to return to work, some umbrella companies are only just beginning to furlough their workers. Here we explain what has changed for umbrella workers and what to look out for if you are one of these workers. ...

The word furlough stamped on a piece of paper
Published on 1 June 2020

Any questions? I think my furlough pay is wrong: what should I do?

We regularly receive queries via our website. We do not give advice, but we try to signpost sources of further information and support. Some of the replies might be useful to others, so occasionally we will post them anonymously as ‘question and answer’ news items. We have received questions recentl...

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