Welsh Revenue Authority Charter Consultation
We welcome this opportunity to comment on the Welsh Revenue Authority’s (WRA) draft Charter which will be used from April 2018 when the first Welsh devolved taxes (Land Transaction Tax and Landfill Disposals Tax) come into effect. We consider that the Charter presents a good opportunity to embed ‘equality’ considerations across the WRA to ensure everyone is given the support they need. However, we recommend the draft Charter be expanded to provide further explanation as to what the different responsibilities are for Welsh taxpayers and the WRA. We think that setting out the obligations of taxpayers and the WRA separately will help make things clearer to both parties.
LITRG has taken an interest in the development of the Charter with a view to the devolution of further taxes to Wales which may affect the low-income taxpayer.
Our submissions can be found here: Welsh Revenue Authority Charter Consultation – LITRG response
Claire Thackaberry