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A calculator, magnifying glass a large paper clip and some paperwork. A blue post-it note can be seen on top of the calculator, the note reads 'TAX FREE'.
Published on 15 December 2014

HMRC Tax-Free Childcare: Draft Guidance

Whilst the LITRG are encouraged that HMRC are consulting on the guidance at an early stage, we do have concerns that having a ‘one size fits all’ guide is not the correct approach and thought should be given to those with additional needs and how they can be adequately addressed.

a bag of shredded paper, with a larger torn piece of paper containing the word 'EVIDENCE' in red text.
Published on 12 December 2014

Localisation and social security – call for evidence

LITRG is generally supportive of localisation where it means people are better served by authorities being able to flex benefits and services to local needs. But individuals may be confused about to whom they turn for guidance and what power exists to change things in their community. Local and ...

wales income tax welsh piggy bank shutterstock_192349613
Published on 10 December 2014

Collection and management of devolved taxes in Wales

The LITRG calls for the Welsh Revenue Authority, when established, to draw up a taxpayer’s charter that has a statutory basis, setting out the rights and obligations of taxpayers and the Government. While we are encouraged with the Welsh Government’s approach to tax thus far, we would emphasise the ...

the word 'REVIEW' in yellow text next to a yellow lightbulb surrounded by screws against a blue background
Published on 24 November 2014

Automatic enrolment – review of threshold

LITRG’s response to this DWP consultation supports maintaining alignment of the automatic enrolment threshold with the level of the personal allowance for simplicity. We suggest, however, that this is kept under review – with particular regard to affordability of contributions by reference to the ...

a pad of paper with the word 'PENSION' written on it with red ink, a calculator and a pair of glasses.
Published on 13 November 2014

Practical issues arising from new pensions legislation

The current PAYE system is ill-equipped to deal with the new pensions regime and is likely to cause severe difficulties for both taxpayer and HMRC, say LITRG in its evidence to the committee of MPs scrutinising the Taxation of Pensions Bill going through Parliament.

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