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Published on 16 October 2015

Freezing the student loan repayment threshold

LITRG has responded to a Department for Business, Innovation & Skills consultation on the freezing of the student loan threshold at £21,000 for Plan 2 loans. LITRG recommends that if changes are made the government provides additional funding to help educate school-leavers and students on the ...

A grey paper with a tear in the middle, through the tear the word 'REPRESENTATION' can be seen in red text against a white background.
Published on 16 October 2015

HM Treasury call for representations for Autumn Statement 2015

The LITRG has responded to HM Treasury’s call for representations for the Autumn Statement 2015 from the perspective of the low-income unrepresented taxpayer. Our representations follow the main points of our manifesto, published earlier this year, and are listed below.

Various different graphs and charts of data
Published on 14 October 2015

Tackling the hidden economy: Extension of data-gathering powers

Responding to the consultation on the extension of third party data-holder notices, LITRG comments that the proposals set out in the consultation document would potentially provide the state with access to large swathes of information about individuals and their personal daily lives. The LITRG are ...

A glass jar filled with coins, a note is stuck to the jar that reads 'PENSION'.
Published on 29 September 2015

Strengthening incentives to save for pensions

LITRG welcome the opportunity to respond to this consultation. While noting that the low opt-out figures for the recently introduced auto-enrolment scheme for employees pensions has been encouraging, nevertheless the small sums involved from both employer and employee mean that people are still not ...

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