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A person holding a glass ball that reflects an i mage of woods with a walk way through the middle.
Published on 30 November 2021

LITRG welcomes roadmap for future consultations about tax

Government to publish a roadmap setting out their direction of travel for reform of the tax system over the next 10 yearsThe Government’s response to HMRC’s earlier call for evidence gave some indication of what is in scope and what is out of scope as part of the reformsThe Low Incomes Tax Reform Gr...

A white keyboard with black keys, one key is red coloured with white text, it reads 'REFUNDS'
Published on 22 November 2021

LITRG’s urgent warning to taxpayers about refund companies

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) is warning taxpayers never to share their Government Gateway username and password details with anyone – including with companies that offer to make tax relief claims on their behalf. The warning is after LITRG learnt about taxpayers for whom seemingly inappr...

A magnifying glass hovering over the word 'DETAILS'
Published on 27 October 2021

Good news for some UC claimants – but the detail is key

Release: Immediate: Budget Day: Wednesday 27 October 2021The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) welcomes today’s announcements that the universal credit taper rate will be reduced to 55%, the universal credit work allowances will be increased by £500 a year and the national living wage will increa...

A plain white jigsaw with one piece left to place, the final piece is a blue piece with the word 'SOLUTION' on it in white text.
Published on 27 October 2021

LITRG welcomes solution to pension inequality for low-income workers

Release: Immediate: Budget Day: Wednesday 27 October 2021The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) welcomes today’s announcement from the Government which ends the injustice that over a million low-income workers (mostly women) lose out on pensions tax rel...

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