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Question marks against a blue background.
Published on 4 February 2014

Onshore Employment Intermediaries: False Self-Employment

The LITRG welcome the Government’s commitment to dealing with intermediaries in the labour supply chain who facilitate the false self-employment of construction workers and agency ‘temps’. However in our consultation document response we question whether the policy and legislative changes proposed, ...

A white keyboard with a blue key, this key reads the word 'CHANGES' in white text.
Published on 24 January 2014

Real Time Information (RTI): legislative changes

The LITRG comments on the proposed changes to the Income Tax (Pay As You Earn)(Amendment) Regulations 2014 as part of the wider consultation on 'Legislative changes relating to Real Time Information'....

a yellow post it note with the words 'KEEP IT SIMPLE!' written on it in black ink
Published on 31 March 2015

Scotland in the United Kingdom: An enduring settlement

LITRG has responded to a UK Government consultation on draft clauses for the Scotland Bill 2015. In our response we concentrate on Parts 2 and 3 of the draft Scotland Bill 2015, given our concern with tax and the interaction of the tax, tax credits and welfare systems. We emphasise that the devoluti...

a chalkboard with the word 'RULES' written in white chalk across the top, the numbers 1,2, and 3 are written down the side.
Published on 10 March 2015

Tax enquiries – consultation on closure rules

LITRG has responded to a HMRC consultation on proposed changes to the closure rules for tax enquiries. These changes are aimed at closing aspects of enquiries which have been ongoing over a long period of time and where there is tax avoidance or significant amounts of tax at stake or where there are...

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