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LITRG response - Low Pay Commission consultation 2022. Illustration of a screen displaying words, including Minimum wage.
Published on 22 June 2022

Low Pay Commission consultation 2022

We have responded to the Low Pay Commission (LPC) consultation 2022 looking at the impact of the minimum wage, the rates from 2023 and on enforcement and compliance issues. ...

Colours of the Ukrainian flag entwined in a ribbon pattern.
Published on 22 June 2022

Working in the UK – information in Ukrainian available

If you have recently arrived from Ukraine – welcome to the UK.You may be looking for work or have a job waiting for you. We know it can be daunting living and working in a new country, especially if this is your first time or you don’t speak English well.This article explains what guidance is a...

A pin board with a paper attached by a purple pin, the paper reads 'WHAT DOES IT MEAN?'.
Published on 16 June 2022

Tax credit renewals and the move to UC – what does it all mean?

Tax credit claimants are now receiving their annual renewal pack. This allows claims for 2021/22 to be finalised at the same time as making a new claim for 2022/23. This year, renewal packs also include a flyer about universal credit. We explain what you should do with your renewal pack and what you...

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