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A wooden block calendar showing the date 31 January
Published on 12 January 2022

Get your tax return done by 31 January if you can

The deadline for sending most online 2020/21 Self Assessment tax returns to HMRC, and for paying the related tax, is 31 January 2022. This year, HMRC will not charge you penalties straight away if you are a bit late. But you should still try to sort out your tax by 31 January if you can. ...

Illustration of people standing on top of piles of coins
Published on 10 January 2022

Discovery assessments: Finance Bill briefing

Following the October 2021 Budget, the Finance (No. 2) Bill was published. LITRG has provided written evidence on the measure which changes when HMRC can issue a ‘discovery assessment’ (a way of collecting unpaid tax). ...

A desk calendar showing April for 2022
Published on 7 January 2022

Self-assessment penalties relaxed, but don’t rest too easy, warns LITRG

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) welcomes today’s (Thursday) announcement from HMRC that they will not charge late-filing penalties for 2020/21 self-assessment tax returns filed online on or before 28 February 2022. HMRC have also announced that no late payment penalties will be charged for ...

A notebook, a calculator and a note with the words 'TAX REFUND'.
Published on 4 January 2022

Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) workers – are you expecting a tax refund?

Most CIS workers receive a tax refund (rebate) after they submit their Self Assessment tax return because they usually overpay towards their tax bill through CIS deductions at source. The 2020/21 tax year may be different because of the inclusion of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) ...

A blue computer screen with the words 'WHAT NOW?' typed in white text.
Published on 23 December 2021

What comes next now that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) has ended?

The CJRS (furlough scheme) came to an end on 30 September. Whilst late claims or amendments can be made in exceptional circumstances, this is not the only thing to consider. For example, all employers, at the very least, will need to keep records supporting the grants they have claimed, in case HMRC...

A yellow umbrella hanging on a doorknob against a pale green background.
Published on 22 December 2021

Umbrella companies – have your say

A call for evidence on umbrella companies has been issued – with the aim of providing the government with a detailed and up-to-date view of how umbrella companies operate. Here we tell you how to have your say....

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