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Illustration of a man standing and a person sitting on a cog next to a pile of money
Published on 6 October 2021

Budget Representation 2021: Loan charge

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) is pleased to have the opportunity to make a Budget Representation 2021 in relation to the loan charge. ...

Illustration of a man, woman and child with a pile of coins
Published on 29 September 2021

2021 Autumn Budget Representation – High Income Child Benefit Charge

In our 2021 Autumn Budget representation, we repeat our calls for the government to raise the £50,000 threshold for the high income child benefit charge (HICBC) to at least £60,000. We argue that the £50,000 threshold is untenable now it has been overtaken by the higher-rate threshold from 6 April 2...

a bunch of post-it notes all with the same words written on them saying 'WHAT'S NEXT?'
Published on 23 September 2021

SEISS grants – what happens next?

Since May 2020 there have been five Self Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grants which the self-employed and partners in business partnerships may have been eligible to claim. As the claim period for the fifth grant ends on 30 September 2021, this article rounds up some useful information re...

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