Call for evidence: The economics of Universal Credit (UC)
Responding to a House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee call for evidence, LITRG highlights various mismatches in the Universal Credit system and the consequences for claimants.
Responding to a House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee call for evidence, LITRG highlights various mismatches in the Universal Credit system and the consequences for claimants.
LITRG is part of a group of leading pensions and tax experts calling on the Government to act quickly to deliver its manifesto promise to fix an unfair tax flaw. This flaw means around 1.7 million low-income workers (mostly women) are being unfairly charged 25 per cent more for their pensions ...
LITRG has submitted evidence to the Women’s Budget Group and its Commission on a Gender-Equal Economy, in response to its call for evidence on taxation. We use our response to highlight a few policy and operational changes that might have a positive impact on gender equality. In doing so, we note ...
We support the aim of this consultation in trying to achieve greater consistency in, and simplification of, individuals’ pension benefits statements but highlight that pensions planning cannot be undertaken without understanding the tax implications both during accumulation of savings and at ...
LITRG highlighted the risks and complexity facing Scottish claimants of welfare benefits, with a particular focus on universal credit. These arise in part because, although universal credit is reserved to the UK Parliament, there are interactions with income tax, which is partially devolved to ...
LITRG has submitted comments in response to a call for evidence issued by the Social Security Committee of the Scottish Parliament, which is examining the take-up of benefits and how this can be improved. Although we do not have empirical data to support our comments, based on queries to our ...