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Reducing the money purchase annual allowance – LITRG response
Published on 13 February 2017

Reducing the money purchase annual allowance (MPAA)

The LITRG strongly urges the government to think about savings for retirement coherently; under the current proposal those who save up in a Lifetime ISA rather than a pension could benefit from ‘tax relief’ until age 50 and then again if they were to access those funds at age 60 and put them into a ...

Merger of financial advice services ‘a great opportunity'
Published on 2 February 2017

Draft Finance Bill 2017: Abolition of Class 2 National Insurance contributions

While the LITRG broadly welcomes simplification of the National Insurance process for the self-employed, we remain deeply concerned that those on the lowest incomes may find that funding voluntary Class 3 NIC is beyond their reach, causing them to require means-tested state support in the future ins...

Published on 31 January 2017

Draft Finance Bill 2017: Optional remuneration arrangements

The LITRG welcome the opportunity to comment on the draft Finance Bill clause 2 and Schedule 2. The proposals essentially limit the range of benefits that can be included in a salary sacrifice or flexible benefits arrangement to those related to pensions, cessation of employment, childcare, Cycle to Work and ultra-low emission cars. Whatever the merits of restricting salary sacrifice to a few bene...

Draft National Insurance Contributions Bill 2017: Termination awards – LITRG response
Published on 27 January 2017

Draft National Insurance Contributions Bill 2017: Termination awards

LITRG welcomes the fact that employees, already in a vulnerable position due to losing their job, will continue not to have an NIC liability on their termination payment. We continue to have a concern that employers may reduce termination packages to compensate for the additional cost of paying empl...

VAT: zero-rating of adapted motor vehicles - LITRG response
Published on 27 January 2017

Draft Finance Bill 2017: VAT: zero-rating of adapted motor vehicles

This draft Finance Bill clause and schedule proposes restricting the availability of zero-rating for the purchase of an adapted motor vehicle for eligible disabled users to one every three years. While the LITRG understand that this is designed to counter abuse of the current law, we believe that th...

Published on 27 January 2017

Single Public Financial Guidance Body (SFGB)

The LITRG welcomes the opportunity to continue to comment upon the development of the provision of public financial guidance and are pleased many of our earlier suggestions on establishing a single co-ordinating body have been adopted. We are concerned, however, that the word ‘tax’ does not appear once in the consultation document as tax debt, alleged or actual, is a major area of debt problems.&#...

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