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A glass jar filled with coins, a note is stuck to the jar that reads 'PENSION'.
Published on 15 February 2023

Accessing your pension – tax issues to consider

Research suggests that the number of people accessing their private pensions has gone up, and that the amounts taken out of pensions are increasing. This may be for various reasons – for example, due to taking early retirement or to supplement living costs because of high rates of inflation. Here we...

A person holding a cone to their mouth with various international flags floating out of the cone.
Published on 10 February 2023

Where to get help with tax if you do not speak English

For a long time, LITRG have been concerned about the problems that migrant workers to the UK might face in understanding and navigating the UK tax system. To help address this we have made a set of videos, translated into 12 different languages, to help migrant workers understand where to get tax he...

A chalkboard with the words 'HAVE YOUR SAY' in white chalk, next to this a picture of a megaphone is drawn in red chalk.
Published on 6 February 2023

HMRC’s performance – have your say

Every year, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) publish their Charter annual report. These reports set out HMRC’s performance against the HMRC Charter. This is your chance to complete a survey and tell us what you think and input into our feedback on the report. ...

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