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Illustration of people standing around piles of coins
Published on 21 June 2021

Low Pay Commission consultation 2021

We have responded to the Low Pay Commission (LPC) consultation 2021 – specifically the bit looking at the live-in domestic worker exemption. ...

Illustration of an elderly couple and a young man in front of a bank
Published on 11 June 2021

FCA Stronger nudge to pensions guidance

LITRG has responded to the Financial Conduct Authority’s consultation in giving people a stronger nudge towards getting guidance on their pension choices. We are in favour of more nudges being provided to consumers, who intend to access their pension savings, to seek guidance. ...

tax avoidance red stamp
Published on 1 June 2021

Clamping down on the promoters of tax avoidance

We have responded to HMRC’s consultation on clamping down on the promoters of tax avoidance, focussing on their proposals to support taxpayers to steer clear of tax avoidance schemes, or get out of tax avoidance quickly, by providing more information on promoters and their schemes, so they can make ...

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