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Published on 7 January 2015

Technical changes to Automatic Enrolment

While the LITRG commend the DWP’s attempt to reduce the complexity of the automatic enrolment regime, we query the wisdom of the proposal to provide less information to workers. We disagree that individuals, who may already find it confusing to define their qualifying earnings category, should be expected to research their own pension position further without adequate signposting from employ...

Published on 7 January 2015

Scottish Tax Tribunal rules

LITRG has responded to a Scottish Government consultation on draft Scottish Tax Tribunal Rules (First-tier and Upper Tribunals). LITRG has taken the opportunity to suggest improvements in the Rules, which largely mirror those applicable to the UK First-tier and Upper Tier Tribunals, making both general points and raising issues specific to the each set of draft Rules. ...

Published on 5 January 2015

Employment Status Review

The LITRG respond to the Office of Tax Simplification’s Employment Status Review, highlighting the problems facing low-income workers when it comes to defining their employment status. We recommend that the law and guidance be reviewed to help avoid confusion and to clarify the interaction between employment law, tax rules and welfare benefits. ...

Published on 15 December 2014

HMRC Tax-Free Childcare: Draft Guidance

Whilst the LITRG are encouraged that HMRC are consulting on the guidance at an early stage, we do have concerns that having a ‘one size fits all’ guide is not the correct approach and thought should be given to those with additional needs and how they can be adequately addressed. ...

Published on 12 December 2014

Localisation and social security – call for evidence

LITRG is generally supportive of localisation where it means people are better served by authorities being able to flex benefits and services to local needs. But individuals may be confused about to whom they turn for guidance and what power exists to change things in their community. Local and national authorities should aim to keep service standards consistent, and to minimise any ‘postcode lott...

Published on 10 December 2014

Collection and management of devolved taxes in Wales

The LITRG calls for the Welsh Revenue Authority, when established, to draw up a taxpayer’s charter that has a statutory basis, setting out the rights and obligations of taxpayers and the Government. While we are encouraged with the Welsh Government’s approach to tax thus far, we would emphasise the importance of understanding the needs of unrepresented taxpayers who want to be tax comp...

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