Residence and domicile
Your tax residence status and domicile status affect the extent to which you are liable to tax in the UK.
Your tax residence status and domicile status affect the extent to which you are liable to tax in the UK.
If your personal circumstances have some foreign aspect to them (for example, if you have lived overseas), or if you have foreign income or gains, your tax affairs can be more complicated. We cover the UK rules, but you may also need to consider the rules in other relevant countries as well as ...
This page explains what tax is applied to a state pension lump sum, which you might receive if you reached state pension before 6 April 2016 but chose to defer (put off) receiving your state pension until a later date.
Many people claim their state pension as soon as they reach state pension age. But you have the option of deferring your pension. State pension deferral means that you delay claiming, or stop receiving your state pension, until a time that suits you.
The state pension is taxable. Here we look at how tax is collected on the state pension.
The state pension is taxable but unlike private pensions, the state pension has no tax deducted at source before it is paid to you. Here we look at what tax is payable on state pension payments.