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Press release

Press release. A coloured image of a speakerphone, a paper press release and microphone.
Published on 2 December 2020

The £500 Covid bonus benefit trap

The Chartered Institute of Taxation’s Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) is warning that some of the lowest paid workers stand to benefit the least from the Scottish Government’s new £500 bonus payment to NHS and care workers if the payment is taxed....

Press release. A coloured image of a speakerphone, a paper press release and microphone.
Published on 24 November 2020

Tax campaigners urge HMRC to address loan charge filing barriers

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) has welcomed HMRC’s decision to allow late loan charge spreading elections, but has warned of other barriers stopping people from meeting their loan charge obligations. HMRC must address these barriers to break the impasse, says LITRG....

Press release. A coloured image of a speakerphone, a paper press release and microphone.
Published on 13 November 2020

HMRC must help taxpayers to help themselves, say tax campaigners

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) welcomes the Government’s commitment to review options to tackle the cost to taxpayers of advisers who are claiming tax refunds on their behalf. But LITRG cautions that government must also address the underlying factors which drive taxpayers to use such serv...

Press release. A coloured image of a speakerphone, a paper press release and microphone.
Published on 20 October 2020

Think again about taxing Test and Trace support payments, say experts

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) suggests the Government looks to make the £500 Test and Trace support lump sum payments free from income tax. This will make them simple for people to understand and less expensive to administer. LITRG is also concerned that the current proposals mean people ...

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