Student loan repayments
This page explains how and when you make repayments on your student loans via the tax system if you are on Plan 1, Plan 2 or Plan 4 income-contingent loans.
This page explains how and when you make repayments on your student loans via the tax system if you are on Plan 1, Plan 2 or Plan 4 income-contingent loans.
Applications must be made to student finance bodies for both tuition loans and maintenance loans. Some students will need to include information from tax returns and tax forms to support their applications. This page explains what tax information you may need to complete these forms. If you need ...
This page is for people who are unable to pay their tax bill or who have tax debt. If you have received an overpayment of tax credits or have a tax credits debt, you should look at Tax credits: overpayments page in our benefits section.
These pages tell you how to claim back overpaid tax from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and what the time limits are for making such a claim.
HMRC’s ‘Making Tax Digital’ programme is being phased in over a number of years, following the announcement in 2015 that it was the government’s intention to abolish the self assessment tax return. Making Tax Digital for VAT was the first element of the programme to be rolled out, beginning in ...
This page gives an overview of some of HMRC’s digital services, how to access them (including proving your identity) and what support is available to help you use them. The information on this page is subject to change as HMRC continually improve and expand what is available online.